Mike Huckabee Raised Taxes  

Posted by BlognThings in

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee was introduced on NBC's "Meet the Press" with a bit of bad news. A new MSNBC poll finds him back in second place in Iowa behind Mitt Romney. "Has Mitt Romney said anything that's been untrue about you?" Tim Russert asked. Huckabee replied half-jokingly, "How long do we have on this program today?"
Huckabee listed the areas where he felt Romney's ads had distorted his record, and argued that Romney "left his roads a mess in Massachusetts" and raised taxes by half a million. "Fees," Russert interjected. Huckabee asserted that raising fees had the same effect on the wallet as raising a tax.
Russert point out that some conservative groups had given Huckabee a D or F when it came to raising taxes. Huckabee said he only raised taxes for things that were crucial, like roads and schools. "That's what being a governor is about in some cases," Huckabee replied, and pointed out that he also lowered some taxes. "We untaxed poor people and gave them a shot of making it up the economic ladder…I'm proud of the fact that we raised teacher pay."

Source --> Mike Huckabee Raised Taxes


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